Financial Education and Economic Stability

Financial education favors the economic and social well-being of a country. How financial culture helps the citizens of a country to live better. On the occasion of the "Financial Education Month" we want to offer you a reflection on a very interesting topic concerning the well-being of each individual and of the whole society.

Individual and collective well-being is closely related and there is a tool that can make a country happier and economically stable. This tool is financial education.

In fact, financial education not only encourages the adoption of more prudent savings management but also reduces the chances of being submerged by serious financial crises, allowing citizens to live longer in economic stability.

For themed (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) financial culture is recognized as a key competence in people's lives.

L ' financial education, is, in fact, delineated by the following words:

"The the process by which consumers/investors improve their knowledge about products, concepts and risks in the financial sector and, through information, education and/or impartial advice, develop the skills and confidence in their own means necessary to gain greater awareness of financial opportunities and risks, to make informed choices, to know where to turn for assistance, and to take other effective initiatives to improve their financial well-being " (OECD 2005, Recommendation on Principles and Good Practices for Financial Education and Awareness).

The Importance of the School in The Dissemination of Financial Education

Evaluating an employment contract, buying a house, a car, investing in financial instruments are all activities that belong to the economics tuition-financial sphere. But are we sure that everyone knows how to face them with the right awareness?

In a world characterized by complex and unstable financial markets, and governed by high uncertainty, acquiring solid financial skills becomes a must in order to be able to face the challenges that are presented to us promptly. It is in this sense that the intervention of the institutions is indispensable. And when we talk about institutions, the school plays a privileged role in being able to convey new knowledge, knowledge, and skills.




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