
Showing posts from May, 2021

Share Technical Education and Finance and Marketing Deals.docx - 128 KB

Share Technical Education and Finance and Marketing Deals.docx - 128 KB
  It is a useful tool to create greater awareness in the decisions to be made both of a personal nature (avoiding deceptions or scams) and of a collective nature (creating awareness on reforms that meet collective interests Singapore needs the initiative to raise awareness among the population on the need to increase their financial, insurance and social security skills in difficult times like the one we are experiencing, given that the average knowledge of these subjects is too low for an industrialized country and among the first world economies. This is why also this year the Committee for the planning and coordination of financial education activities, during October, promotes the Month of Financial Education, in collaboration with the MISE. This third edition will focus on the financial choices to be made in a period of uncertainty such as that caused by the pandemic. But to make up for the delay accumulated in the past by our country in terms of economic and financial edu...