Social and Solidarity Economy (Sse): Definition, Actors, Regulations
The Social and Solidarity Economy brings together all the economic structures whose status, organization, functioning, and activity are based on the principles of solidarity, equity, and social utility. The main the objective of these structures is to promote job creation with a view to integration and/or reintegration, as well as greater social cohesion. Mainly constituted as associations, mutual societies, cooperatives or foundations, SSE companies adopt participatory and democratic management and decision-making systems, with strict supervision of the use of financial results (no personal profit, reinvestment of profits). Subject to approval, they have access, in part of their resources, to dedicated public funding. Social and Solidarity Economy Actors (SSE) The development of the SSE and its support depend essentially on its recognition by the public authorities (from the highest political authorities to local decision-makers) and by the economic world as a whole. The...