
Showing posts from March, 2021

Social and Solidarity Economy (Sse): Definition, Actors, Regulations

  The Social and Solidarity Economy brings together all the economic structures whose status, organization, functioning, and activity are based on the principles of solidarity, equity, and social utility. The main the objective of these structures is to promote job creation with a view to integration and/or reintegration, as well as greater social cohesion. Mainly constituted as associations, mutual societies, cooperatives or foundations, SSE companies adopt participatory and democratic management and decision-making systems, with strict supervision of the use of financial results (no personal profit, reinvestment of profits). Subject to approval, they have access, in part of their resources, to dedicated public funding. Social and Solidarity Economy Actors (SSE) The development of the SSE and its support depend essentially on its recognition by the public authorities (from the highest political authorities to local decision-makers) and by the economic world as a whole. The...

Circular Economy

  It is about moving from a completely disposable society to a more circular economic model. The circular economy: fundamental principles Preservation of resources, our environment, our health, allow the economic and industrial development of regions, reduce waste and waste: the circular economy is an economic model that aims to meet these challenges. It aims to move from a completely disposable society, based on a linear economy (extract, manufacture, consume, throw away) towards a more circular economic model. The new production and consumption models linked to the circular economy can generate activities and create sustainable and non-relocatable jobs. The circular economy is part of the field of the green economy. The challenges of the circular economy are at the same time environmental, economic and social. In France, the transition to a circular economy is officially recognized as one of the objectives of the energy and ecological transition and as one of the commit...
The establishment of the Academic Council for Economic Education (CAEE), a variation of the National Council for Economic Education (CNEE), aims to strengthen the many partnerships developed in the academy, to coordinate the actions underway between training establishments and stakeholders. economic, to improve their visibility and to evaluate their efficiency. During the discussions, various partnership actions of very varied forms were mentioned, such as: •              The in-company immersion program for teachers; •              The “EPA mini-enterprise” program allowing students from college to BTS to discover life in a company very concretely; •              The “84,13,04 and 05 A CŒUR” operations organized with the assistance of the Association jeunesse enterprises (AJE) Provence; •  ...

Education at The Center of European Concerns

  In March 2000, the Lisbon Summit set an ambitious objective for the European Union: "To become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world, capable of sustainable economic growth accompanied by quantitative improvement. and qualitative employment and greater social cohesion 3. In this perspective, education and training policies are called upon to play a leading role in ensuring that human resources meet the needs. This boost given to European policy by the Heads of State and Government underlines the key role of education and training in employment in order to contribute to the Luxembourg and Cardiff processes. It is accompanied by the explicit formulation of measurable objectives, namely: Each year substantially increase per capita investment in human resources;                 To halve by 2010 the number of people aged 18 to 24 who have only completed lower secondary educat...